Comforté® by PMS 4 PMS
Comforté® combines healing and skin loving natural ingredients:
- Calotropis Procera – a plant extract found in the primordial forests of Africa. Temporarily relieves monthly feminine discomfort.
- Carapa Procera – Used by African tribal women for thousands of years to reduce swelling and bloating.
- Natural Essence of Menthol – generating soothing cool to penetrate the skin and muscles. Also works as a carrier for the natural plant extracts.
- 100% Raw Shea Butter – Base formula of Comforté® – promotes skin hydration.
- Soybean Oil – High in Vitamin E to nourish and protect the skin.
- Sandalwood Oil – Gives Comforté® its unique woodsy scent.
net wt 28 g / 1 oz